Site Updates
Reading time: About .

Hi everyone! I know it’s been awhile since my last post. I promise I have good reasons, and here they are:
- First: The holidays. Between Christmas and New Years with the family, it has been hard to find time to write.
- My team at work has shrunk, so some re-allocation of projects has taken a lot of my time.
- Finally, I’ve been updating the site. You may have noticed some of the changes, but if not, I’ll list them here:
- Improved SEO with better front matter, meta tags, and a sitemap.
- I’ve implemented Algolia search and placed it into the Site Search page.
- In the About page, you can now find a Contact Me form. Please feel free to send me suggestions or any other queries you may have.
- I changed the commenting system from Disqus to HTML Comment Box.
- Not as many features, true, but: NO ADS on the site from which I get no portion of the proceeds!
- While the RSS Feed still exists, I’ve created a new Subscribe page where you can choose to subscribe to the blog via either a MailChimp form, or the good ‘ol RSS Feed. Note that the MailChimp form will send you email updates, whereas the RSS Feed will notify you via the means you used to subscribe.
- I added Facebook Like and Share buttons to the side panel that allow you to Like the Facebook page and Share this website with your friends on Facebook.
- Last, but not least, I added a My Résumé link in the navigation that opens up my most current, and printable Résumé, in a new tab.
Final Words
Well, that’s all I have for today. As always, feel free to leave a comment below, or contact me via any of the many methods available. Don’t forget to subscribe! More posts are coming your way. As always, thanks for reading!
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