DevSculptor Jekyll Theme

Project Started: 9/2023

Project Ended: Ongoing

Project Website:

Tags: Jekyll and Theme

Skills: HTML, Liquid, Sass, and JavaScript


A full-featured, GitHub Pages compatible, Jekyll blog theme tailored to software devs that contains project and resume pages. Contains localization support for multiple languages.

Project Images:

Home Page Example - Dark Theme
Home page example with the DevSculptor theme in dark mode.
Home Page Example - Light Theme
Home page example with the DevSculptor theme in light mode.
Home Page Example on Mobile - Dark Theme
Home page example on mobile in dark mode.
Home Page Example on Mobile - Light Theme
Home page example on mobile in light mode.

NPM Script Selector

Project Started: 10/2023

Project Ended: Ongoing

Project Website:

Tags: typescript, npm, package, utility, scripts, runner, and dev tool

Skills: Node, TypeScript, and JavaScript


The NPM Script Selector is a CLI tool for discovering and running project scripts within package.json files. Have you ever worked on a project that contains so many scripts that you can't always remember the available options? That's what happened to me. I currently contribute to a project with 30+ scripts. I became tired of having to open the package file and/or IDE in order to find and run the needed the scripts, so I created this small CLI. Currently, you provide the path to the package.json file, the NPM Script Selector will then list the available scripts for you, where you can interactively select the one you want. It will then run the script for you within the selected project's directory. I plan to add more functionality in the near future. Uses figlet, commander, and inquirer.

Project Images:

NPM Script Selector Screenshot 20231025
NPM Script Selector Screenshot 20231025